Introduction of Guests (16 April 2024)

Blaine McLeod MLA Lumsden-Morse

Introduction of Guests (16 April 2024)

From Hansard (16 April 2024)


SaskMilk Staff Members

Mr. B. McLeod: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And the member from Lumsden-Morse would like to send his personal greetings to three, indeed, friends across in the west gallery, members of the staff at SaskMilk who I’ve had the privilege of working with for a very, very long time and I count them as very, very close friends.

Teresa Florizone I don’t know well yet, but I know I will because she’s only in day seven of her new role as the executive director at SaskMilk. So welcome. You have a tremendous team to work with. I know that first-hand.

And Anita Medl, marketing manager and one of the most gracious hosts that you will ever meet. Her joy is complete when she is serving, and she serves well. And if Anita doesn’t know you, you haven’t lived in Saskatchewan long enough. She will know you.

And working alongside her as well as a marketing specialist, Chelsea Wilcoxen, working in social media, events, the school milk program, the list could go on. The one that I’m really proud of as well is the Saskatchewan High Schools Athletic Association, a very, very long-time involvement. The producers of this province, all 147 of them, are very, very happy to be able to support such a worthwhile organization.

Thank you for being here, in this your legislature, and welcome on behalf of me.

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