Introduction of Guests (7 December 2023)
From Hansard (7 December 2023)
Students from South Shore Elementary School
Mr. B. McLeod: — Through you and to you, Mr. Speaker, I’d like to introduce a great group of students on the other side in the west gallery, elementary students from South Shore Regina Beach. Give us a wave. There we are. Awesome.
Some of Saskatchewan’s finest and brightest, 21 of them, and their teachers with them — Janelle Law the principal, and Jaclyn Kearley — a wave there from you folks. There you are. Really good. I look forward to gathering with you after question period. And thank you for being in this, your Legislative Assembly, today. Thank you.
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Moose Jaw, SK, S6J 0C2
Phone: 306-693-1001
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm