Member Statement (27 November 2023)
From Hansard (27 November 2023)
Economic Indicators Reveal Saskatchewan Success
Mr. B. McLeod: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It’s another great day in Saskatchewan. Actually I need to correct that. It’s a fantastic day in Saskatchewan. Last week Statistics Canada showed once again that our province is leading the nation in trade.
Saskatchewan ranked first for retail trade growth for the month of September. Our retail trade grew by five times the national average — five times — to more than 2.1 billion over last month. Mr. Speaker, we’re also leading the nation in GDP [gross domestic product] growth at 6 per cent, and the recent labour force survey shows that we have the lowest unemployment rate in Canada.
September also saw the province record an almost 15 per cent increase in housing starts year over year. And we continue to be a hub for international investment and development, thanks to this government’s engagement strategies with the global economy, investment like BHP’s 6.4 billion investment into the Jansen potash project.
Mr. Speaker, we won’t be apologizing in this House for bringing home jobs and opportunities for Saskatchewan people. Part of our government’s growth plan is to double the value of provincial exports by 2030, a goal that we are well on our way to achieving. We have the food, the fuel, and the fertilizer that our growing world needs. And regardless of what the opposition says, we will continue to engage with our international partners and tell the Saskatchewan story this year at COP28 [Conference of Parties 28]. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
200-99 Diefenbaker Drive
Moose Jaw, SK, S6J 0C2
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